Online virtual applause....

I went to the dark side earlier and posted links to this forum in a couple threads, lets see how long until I get banned, I'm guessing never ?
That's how I got here I didn't use the other one much anyhow and this looks a far better layout. What was the main reasons for starting a new forum though ? T6 coming second week of September .......hopefully !!
The owner of the other forum abandoned it, didn't log in for months on end and things didn't work properly, pictures often would t upload and profile pics kept disappearing etc etc think it was a bad choice of forum software tbh
So I started this place in an effort to get a better setup for us all to hang out ;)
Good to see but let's not bury the "other one" just yet. There is an incredible amount of useful info there and a lot of theT5 stuff at least is very relevant.

At least here we don't have politics (yet) and will never have T4s - mind we don't have emoticons that help to take the edge off potentially heated posts ;=)
aha! I see there are those that know the emoticon codes - poor sad people ;)