Finding independent engineer


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Hi, I hope this is the right section to post this.

I’m looking for recommendations for an independent engineer near Bolton Le Sands to check a T5 2015 Leisuredrive Vivante which I’m in the process of buying but after changing the cambelt and water pump the pulley failed so has now been replaced as well. They did not replace the pulley or tensioner when replacing the cambelt and water pump.

But I’ve been advised this could have caused some major damage so I need to get a thorough check of the engine now before buying.

I’ve called the companies offering pre purchase inspections but they don’t do this but the AA recommended ACE (Automotive Consulting Engineers) who they use but checking reviews some are pretty bad so I’ve been put off using them, plus it will take about three weeks to get a full report. I’m now waiting for a call back from another engineer from the IEAE (The Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors)

I just thought I’d post here just in case anyone knew of someone or had any other ideas? Thanks!
The problems with reviews is differentiating between a straight forward bad service and being disgruntled on getting the answer you don’t want to hear.
The pulley and tensioner are part of the kit along with the water pump, it’s part of the package. If you have proof that it wasn’t renewed then the workshop hasn’t completed the service.
By the time you pay an engineer for an assessment it would probably be cheaper just to do the work.
Thanks for your reply.

The dealer only said he’d change the water pump and cambelt - at that time I wasn’t aware of the kit so didn’t know I needed to be more specific. (Steep learning curve regarding this!) As far as they are concerned they have done what they said they would. I know need to make sure no damage was done when the pulley failed before buying the van.
You say 'in the process of buying' and you're probably shelling out serious wonga. There's always another one around the corner - if in doubt, go elsewhere.
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Unfortunately I put down a substantial deposit which I would lose which is why I decided to get it checked over. If it hadn’t been for the deposit I would have walked away.